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Configuration and JSON5

Now we have some basic infrastructure:

  • We know what sort of system we’re running on (Unix)
  • We know how to talk to users (the TTY abstraction)
  • We know what programming language we’re using (SML)

But we still don’t have a BBS. What do we need? Things like menus and so forth, certainly, but these things need to be configured somehow. How do we go about doing this?

The canonical answer is to have some sort of configuration file, but this immediately raises a new question: what format should that file be in, and how should it be encoded?


There are two basic encoding mechanisms we can choose from:

The file is represented as plain text, and can be manipulated via a standard complement of tools. For example it can be modified with a text editor.
The file is in some pre-defined format analogous a RAM-based record format. Usually binary files requires special tools that understand that format to manipulate.

Of the two, text is slower, as it must be parsed when consumed but is infinitely more flexible. However, it is arguably more dangerous as a maintainer can trivially introduce mistakes when modifying text files, whereas presumably a dedicated tool could detect and prevent the introduction of errors; nothing prevents one from writing a custom tool to maintain a text-based file though, and of course the BBS software has to properly validate data read from the configuration file regardless of encoding.

Moreover, the sorts of computers we are likely to run a BBS on nowdays are swimming in processor capacity and memory: the small overhead of reading and parsing a text file is more than made up for by the convenience of having a human-readable and simply editted configuration file.

In other words, with text we are no worse off in terms of ensuring data integrity than we are with binary, and the tiny performance difference is irrelevant on modern hardware.

So text it is.


Having decided to use a text file (or a set of text files) for configuration, we now have to decide what format we want to use for the data in that file.

There are many choices here, and some common examples include the venerable INI format, that was popular on MS-DOS and Windows. XML was popular around the turn of the century. Lately, JSON has captured the popular imagination.

The historical alternative in the Unix world has been to invent an ersatz file format specific to each application. That’s certainly possible, but one wonders: what’s the point? There are perfectly good existing formats to choose from rather than inventing something new.

For our chosen format, we’d like the following properties:

  • A structured format
  • Easy to parse
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to modify
  • Support for comments

INI, while easy enough to read and parse, isn’t particularly structured. It really only supports one level of “sectioning” in a file, with simple key/value pairs in each section. One could abuse the key/value format to embed pseudo-structured data in an INI file, but that feels like a hack.

XML is certainly structured and it is not too difficult to parse (one of its design goals was that a graduate student be able to write an XML parser in a day or so), but it’s not particularly easy to read or maintain.

JSON is nicely structured, but the use of string literals as keys are painful to read and modify and lack of comments makes it less than ideal.

Fortunately, there is JSON extension called JSON5, which bills itself as “JSON for humans.” This allows us to use arbitrary ECMAscript identifiers as keys, has comments, and some minor maintenance conveniences like allowing commas after the last element in array and object items. It’s also fairly easy to parse.

JSON5 fits select JSON5 as our configuration format.

Building a JSON5 Parser

Having selected a format, we must now parse it. Unfortunately, there does not seem to exist a pre-existing parser for JSON5 in SML, but writing one isn’t that hard.

A full treatment of parsing is beyond the scope of this document, but roughly parsing a structured file requires reading the contents of the file into strings, apply a lexical analyzer to those strings to break them into tokens, and then apply a parser to the resulting token stream. One can get progressively fancier about this, with the parser lazily invoking the lexer whenever it needs another token, and the lexer in turn reading from the file character-by-character, etc. However, our configuration files are not big, RAM is cheap and it’s easy to simply read the entire file into RAM at one time, create a list of tokens, and then present these to a recursive descent parser as a fait acompli.

The details of reading the file are lexical analysis are not particularly interesting, but here is the source code for a complete JSON5 parser:

fun parse s =
        fun matchColon (TokColon::ts) = ts
          | matchColon _ = raise Exception "match failed"

        fun parse [] = (Null, [])
          | parse (TokLBrace::ts) = parseObj ts []
          | parse (TokLBracket::ts) = parseArray ts []
          | parse (TokNull::ts) = (Null, ts)
          | parse (TokBool b::ts) = (Boolean b, ts)
          | parse (TokInt i::ts)  = (Int i, ts)
          | parse (TokReal r::ts) = (Real r, ts)
          | parse (TokStr s::ts) = (String s, ts)
          | parse (_::ts) = raise Exception("Unexpected token in parse")
        and parseObj (TokRBrace::ts) kvs = (Object (List.rev kvs), ts)
          | parseObj ts kvs =
                val (key, ts) = parseKey ts
                val ts = matchColon(ts)
                val (value, ts) = parse(ts)
                val kv = (key, value)
                parseObjTail ts (kv::kvs)
        and parseKey (TokStr s::ts) = (KeyString s, ts)
          | parseKey (TokId id::ts) = (KeyIdentifier id, ts)
          | parseKey _ = raise Exception("Bad key")
        and parseObjTail (ts as TokRBrace::tailTs) kvs = parseObj ts kvs
          | parseObjTail (TokComma::ts) kvs = parseObj ts kvs
          | parseObjTail _ _ = raise Exception("Object parse failed")
        and parseArray (TokRBracket::ts) vs = (Array (List.rev vs), ts)
          | parseArray ts vs =
                let val (obj, ts) = parse ts in parseArrayTail ts (obj::vs) end
        and parseArrayTail (ts as TokRBracket::tailTs) vs = parseArray ts vs
          | parseArrayTail (TokComma::ts) vs = parseArray ts vs
          | parseArrayTail _ _ = raise Exception("Array parse failed")

        fun parseSingleObj ts =
            case parse ts of
                (object, []) => object
              | (object, _) => raise Exception("malformed object")
        parseSingleObj (tokenize s)

This emits a single JSON object representing our configuration file; we can query that object with methods to extract the actual data, possibly packaging this up into an SML record.

For example, suppose we have a configuration file something like this:

    // Basic information.
    name: "The Experimental BBS",
    admin: "Dan Cross <>",
    host: "",
    port: 22,
    // Conferences.
    conferences: [
            name: "local", subdir: "local", title: "Local Conferences",
            moderators: [ "cross" ], acls: [ "all" ],
            conferences: [
                { name: "general", subdir: "general", title: "General Chatter",
                    moderators: [ "cross" ], acls: [ "all" ]
                { name: "hack", subdir: "hack00", title: "Hacking",
                    moderators: [ "cross" ], acls: [ "all" ]

Then we might read it using a sequence something like this:

type Config =
    { name: string,
      admin: string,
      host: string,
      port: int }

fun readConfig(file: string): Config =
        val cf = TextIO.openIn file
        val txt = TextIO.inputAll cf
        val _ = TextIO.closeIn cf
        val json5Config = JSON5.parse txt
        val config: Config =
            { name = (JSON5.idToString "name" json5Config),
              admin = (JSON5.idToString "admin" json5Config),
              host = (JSON5.idToString "host" json5Config),
              port = (JSON5.idToInt "port" json5Config) }
        handle JSON5.Exception e => (print (e ^ "\n"); raise JSON5.Exception e)

fun main() =
        val config = readConfig("config.json5")
        print ("name:  " ^ (#name config) ^ "\n");
        print ("admin: " ^ (#admin config) ^ "\n");
        print ("host:  " ^ (#host config) ^ "\n");
        print ("port:  " ^ Int.toString (#port config) ^ "\n");

val _ = main()

If we compile and run this on the Fat Dragon, we see something like the following:

name:  The Experimental BBS
admin: Dan Cross <>
port:  22

And so now we have a configuration file format and a means to read it. Next, we’ll talk about screen handling, and maybe some actual computer science.