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So we’re on to building prototypes. To recap, we’re using an x86_64 host running OpenBSD as our target environment. Having selected this as our system of choice, we provided a solution for self-service account creation. Now we need to think about a coherent user-interface to tie things together. While the Unix shell is powerful, and you can have access to it if you’d like, lots of users aren’t going to like it. Also, we want to tie disparate parts of the system together under a single interface, so let’s think about menus and messaging.

But first, what programming language should we use?

We have a lot of choice in this area.

Recall that Christensen’s mock-up of CBBS (what we would now call a prototype) was written in BASIC, but the real program was written in 8080 assembly language. Traditionally, BBS programs were written in what was usefully available: the most common choices by the dawn of the DOS BBS era were Pascal, BASIC and C; the most sophisticated programmers undoubtedly included some assembler. At least one BBS program for the VMS operating system on the VAX was written in VAX FORTRAN and VMS DCL.

Now, of course, we have a much wider selection to choose from. We can use one of those traditional languages; environments for Pascal, C, BASIC and even FORTRAN are available for OpenBSD/amd64; if we were masochistic we could even use assembly language. But none of those are appealing: they all feel repetitive and programming in many of them is simply tedious. Manual memory management is annoying.

Believe it or not, the newuser program for account creation is written in Perl (with some bits in C), but Perl is declining in popularity and isn’t the most comfortable language to begin with. I don’t think we’ll write a lot more perl code, at least not for interacting with users. We may even rewrite newuser in something else eventually.

Contemporary BBS development efforts seem to have shifted to other languages. Pascal and C are both still popular, but so are C++, C#, Python, and even JavaScript (with Node.js). Ruby and Crystal have made appearances.

But again, none of those really appeal; Crystal is the most personally attractive (statically typed and compiled Ruby? Yay!), but (and this might sound silly) it feels a bit too snazzy for the application domain.

We’d like a language that’s a little obscure and funky, because that’s fun to play around with and we’re doing this for fun. I want something that’s not too high-level, but that still provides higher-level abstractions than C or Pascal; something where we feel reasonably close to the underlying system but without the tedium of manual memory management or implementing trivial data structures by hand. Something that’s common enough that it’s not totally foreign and will be decently supported.

Let’s also select something that doesn’t require an enormous runtime, so JVM languages are out. I personally like compiled languages with strong static typing, so that rules out dynamic languages like Ruby, Lua, Python, etc, and sadly, most of the Lisp family. We’ll exclude optionally typed languages like Julia, too.

We’re also going to rule out more academically focused languages like Haskell and Prolog off the bat. Either of these would serve, but they’re going to be simply inaccessible to the bulk of BBS users. Similarly with the F*’s and idris’s of the world. No J, APL etc: I’d like to be able to read my own code.

Some amount of functional programming support would be nice.

Some choices pop out:

  • Ada
  • Go
  • Rust
  • Something from the ML family
  • Objective-C

Any of these is reasonable; all are supported on OpenBSD. To an extent the decision is arbitrary. So for my initial prototyping, I decided to use Standard ML.

Standard ML (SML) is a language that grew out of the “meta-language” defined for an interactive theorem prover developed at Edinburgh in the 1970s. Indeed, “ML” went on to spawn a family of languages that also includes the popular OCaml. History documents are available for those who’d like to know more.

Standard ML was an attempt in the research community to define a commmon language for collaborative work. However, it turned out that the language had general purpose appeal; it is used in academic and production environments.

SML comes with a robust “Basis Library” that provides much functionality for working with the underlying system. Lots of great documentation exists, both online and in books. It supports programming in the large through a module system. It is not purely functional, so we can easily do things like IO without resorting to category theoretical contortions and we can use an imperative subset if we really need to. It features strict function argument evaluation, so it’s relatively straight forward to reason about performance and behavior. Memory is managed by the runtime and it is garbage collected; strings and lists are first-class types, and the basis library provides a number of useful data structures such as trees, hash tables, etc. It supports algebraic datatypes and higher order functions, and it is strongly, statically typed, but uses type inference to get rid of most of the associated boilerplate. Destructuring and pattern matching can be used throughout. It has formally defined semantics. No memory leaks, no core dumps and it is pleasantly expressive; what’s not to like? Finally, we get fast native code execution from high-quality optimizing compilers that are freely available.

But not in the OpenBSD ports collection.

Bootstrapping an SML compiler on OpenBSD

OpenBSD doesn’t supply an SML compiler anymore. For years, the “Standard ML of New Jersey” (or SML/NJ) compiler was in the OpenBSD ports collection, but it seems that this was removed some time ago. Oh dear. We’d like to work with SML, but we don’t have a compiler; what to do?

Simple: get one working.

An investigation of available SML environments gives us some options to work with:

  • We can (re)port SML/NJ, but the generated code apparently won’t play well with some of OpenBSD’s security requirements. In particular, it sometimes wants to execute code from writable pages. We can fix that, but it sounds tedious, and SML/NJ is a big program. We want to get to work faster.
  • We can port Poly/ML, which is a popular implementation, but that looks like a superset of basic SML functionality.
  • We can port Moscow ML (mosml), which compiles to bytecode and comes with an interpreter, but it doesn’t appear to support all of the basis library, and it doesn’t compile to native code.
  • We can look at MLton, which is a whole-program optimizing compiler. It has some support for OpenBSD already, and can compile to native machine code. The runtime is written in C, while the rest of the system (including the compiler) is written in SML itself.

MLton looks the most promising, but we need a way to compile the compiler. But as it turns out they support cross-compilation to C; that is, we compile the SML sources to C code targetted to another platform. Ah, here we go: I can bootstrap a compiler for OpenBSD from another machine, in this case, a server running FreeBSD that supports SML/NJ, where I can build a native version of MLton that I can then use to generate C code from the compiler’s SML sources that I can compile on OpenBSD. We will cross-compile the compiler to C from our working FreeBSD machine, then transfer the result to the Fat Dragon where we will build a native SML compiler. We will then use that to recompile the SML compiler natively, and finally use that second stage compiler to build a third stage compiler that we will install. Easy.

Initial generation of C is successful and we can compile the C code into an executable, but the resulting compiler binary crashes. Attempts to get a stack back trace from gdb (the system debugger) yield gibberish; what is going on? The system message buffer contains entries showing that MLton processes are being killed on “sp not inside ” traps: okay, clearly we’re dying due to some kind of trap, but what does that mean?

Some searching later, we find a change introduced in OpenBSD 6.4 that enforces that, on entry to the kernel, the userspace hardware stack pointer points into a region of virtual memory that has been mapped with the MAP_STACK flag. If not, the process is killed. Eureka. So clearly we need to map our stacks with the MAP_STACK flag. I find the relevant section of code, modify it, re-generate the C sources for the compiler on the FreeBSD machine, compile that on OpenBSD, and now we get somewhat further, but mllex, which dies with the same trap. Trying to get a backtrace out of gdb still gives gibberish results; what’s going on here? I file an issue on github to get some answers.

Recall that on x86_64, the register %rsp points to a call stack and a function is usually called via the CALL instruction, which takes a destination, pushes the address of the instruction immediately after the CALL (the “return address”) onto the stack and jumps to the destination. Return from the function is accomplished by executing the RET instruction, which pops the saved return address from the stack and jumps to it, meaning that the instruction following the call is then executed.

But Matthew Fluet, a MLton developer, got back to me and it turns out that MLton does not use the hardware call stack or the CALL instruction when running SML code: it only uses it for the runtime (which is written in C) and for signal delivery (via POSIX sigaltstack()). For SML code, the stack is managed dynamically and function calls are via JMP instructions. The rest of the time, the hardware stack pointer is just a normal register, and on the register-starved x86 architecture, the MLton compiler will generate code to use it as such; code might just move a normal integer like 42 into %rsp to perform arithmetic on it, but if the program happens to enter into the kernel when doing so, it gets killed because 42 doesn’t point into a stack segment. Oops. Note that this also explains why stack backtraces from gdb weren’t useful: since SML code doesn’t use the hardware call stack, which GDB uses when doing a backtrace, the stack contents were essentially random, confusing gdb.

However, it turns out that MLton supports Cygwin, which similarly wants the hardware stack register left alone when using signals; Cygwin doesn’t support sigaltstack, so the signal stack is loaded into %rsp and left alone. Thus, our fix is to modify the logic in the compiler’s code generator so that the register allocator never allocates %rsp when targeting OpenBSD by following that same code path used for Cygwin and signals. The fix is a one-line change.

With these two changes in place (map the signal stack with MAP_STACK and don’t allocate the stack pointer register for general use) the compiler works as expected.

Those changes were submitted back upstream and committed to MLton.

With a compiler in place, we can actually start writing code. But first, let’s make sure we have the right tools handy.