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I’d like to talk a little bit about terminals, ANSI command sequences and character sets.


In the early days of computers, before the rise of microcomputers, most machines were either batch-oriented with no real “console” for general use. Later, most computers were timesharing machines that were designed to be accessed remotely via serial “terminals”.

The first terminals were hardcopy: they printed directly onto scrolls of paper as opposed to a screen. These early devices were repurposed electromechanical machines originally designed as either typewriters or as teletype terminals and they interpreted simple binary codes like BAUDOT to display text. These had been in use for several decades by the time computers arrived on the scene; you know those old movies from the 1940s were people receive telegrams and read them out loud? “SO-AND-SO SAYS ALL OK STOP CHECK IN THE MAIL STOP MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HEE-HAW STOP”: those messages were transmitted via teletype.

Teletype terminals used for computer applications contained actual print heads and paper feeding mechanisms, and thus provided only limited functionality for influencing presentation. For example, one could back up over printed text and print the same text again, giving a bolded effect. Or one could back up over printed text and print underscore characters, giving an underlined effect. But the terminals themselves understood little in the way of control messages other than advancing the paper feed, backing up a single character at a time or returning the print carriage to the left margin; the so called “carriage return.” Invariably most terminals printed the Latin alphabet from left to right.

5-bit BAUDOT had a very small encoding space and could only represent a handful of symbols. It relied on a stateful transition to a separate code space to represent more than 32 characters. Once it appeared, ASCII (the “American Standard Code for Information interchange”), a 7-bit character encoding that could represent upper- and lowercase letters, numbers and most common punctuation characters as well as a fair number of control characters, quickly replaced the earlier encoding. As an interesting aside, the set of ASCII control characters imply that its designers were interested in representing whole message frames, as it contains characters for representing non-printing things like “START OF HEADER” and “END OF MESSAGE.” Characters with ordinal value less than 32 are control characters in ASCII.

Importantly, our early Unix machines were programmed via hardcopy ASCII terminals. The famous picture of Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie in front of a PDP-11 shows Thompson seated in front of a Teletype brand terminal; probably an ASR-33.

At some point low-cost graphical displays emerged, and manufacturers started shipping terminals that contained an integrated screen that could display some number of lines of text; often 24 or 25 (24 lines of text plus a status line) with a line width of 40 or 80 columns.

Initially the screen was treated as an infinite paper scroll and software written for the earlier and simpler hardcopy terminals was used without modification. But it wasn’t long until manufacturers started putting small microcontrollers into terminals and programming them to react to commands embedded in the data stream they received from the host. These commands could, for example, set the terminal’s cursor position, set text attributes like reversing the fore- and background colors, or bolding text. These “intelligent” graphical terminals quickly displaced the first-generation of “dumb” video terminals, but required software modifications to take advantage of the new functionality they provided. In particular, programs had to explicitly emit the control sequences understood by the terminal.

Of note these terminals are usually “character at a time”, meaning they transmit a character to the host computer in response to each of the user’s keystrokes; a variation on this theme is “line at a time” where the terminal accumulates a line of text in a buffer in the terminal and then transmits it to the host. These terminals may either be full-duplex, meaning they can transmit and receive data to/from the computer simultaneously, or they can be half-duplex so that they can transmit or receive but not at the same time. The terminal may echo characters entered by the user locally, or that may be handled by the host, which receives characters from the user and then re-transmits them to the terminal for display; this latter mode is useful because the host can actively control the user’s display to do things like hiding the character’s of the user’s password when entered, or providing word-wrapping functionality if the user types more than a line’s worth of text.

When these intelligent graphical terminals came on the scene, each manufacturer devised a set of commands and an encoding for those commands specific to their product. For instance, the command to set the cursor position to column “y” on row “x” for the IBM 3101 series of terminals is “<ESC>Ya,b” where “a = x+32” and “b = y+32” and “<ESC>” is the ASCII “escape” character (ordinal value 27 decimal). Note that the offsets allow “a” and “b” to be printable ASCII characters, since those characters start at ordinal value 32 decimal (which happens to be the space character). However, the Wyse-50 uses “<ESC>=ab”, where “a” and “b” are defined similarly to the IBM3101 and the “=” is a literal ASCII equals-sign character. Curiously, the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VT52 terminal uses the same command as the IBM 3101, but the similarity is otherwise passing and arbitrary differences between manufacturer’s command sets had the obvious drawback that supporting different terminal types meant having special program support for each specific kind of terminal.

In the Unix world, this was addressed by the observation that while command sets differed between terminal models, the operations themselves tended to fall into a fixed set of operations: “set cursor position”, “delete a character”, “insert a string”, etc. If the terminal specific command for each operation could be encoded in some device-independent way, such as a format string, and if those strings could be stored in a file or entered into a database that could be quickly queried by terminal model, then one could build a library to retrieve the command sequence for any given operation and device and emit the correct device-specific commands to the terminal. One would then write programs against that library and they would be independent of the underlying terminal. The result was the termcap database and associated libraries.

Once that existed, a general-purpose toolkit for creating terminal-oriented programs became an obvious thing to build: the curses library was the result. Uses curses, one could program to higher-level abstractions such as windows, menus, etc.

This served Unix admirably throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s.

Multics chose another approach based on that system’s segmented single-store nature and dynamic linking: support for specific terminal devices could be built into a segment that implemented a generic interface that programs where written against. These segments could be dynamically loaded into any number of programs with minimal support from the operating system, allowing those programs to access the terminal’s functionality via the generic interface.

But few systems took these approaches. The alternative was to build support for common terminal types into each program, or into the operating system, so most systems didn’t support more than a handful of available devices. To address this mess, a committee was formed to come up with a standard command set: the ECMA-48 standard of 1978 specified a common set of “escape codes” that could be implemented by terminal manufacturers and this standard was adopted as ANSI X3.64 in 1981. The DEC VT100 was one of the first terminals to adopt this command set, and many other manufacturers soon followed. Of course, some introduced proprietary extensions and the standard has been updated over the years, such as support for multiple colors (often 16).

Starting with the rise of workstations with bitmapped graphical displays in the late 1980s, dedicated serial terminals declined in popularity and they are no longer in widespread use. However, the ANSI and VT command sequences live on in applications such as xterm and other similar programs. These often support extensions of the earlier standard, such as 256 color support.

As an historical aside I should note that the terminal market bifurcated into two camps at one point: on one hand were the sort of character-at-a-time terminals we have been discussing. On the other were block-oriented terminals such as those in the in the IBM 3270 series used on mainframe computers. These terminals present a screen with editable fields to the user, but modifying the contents of those fields is local to the terminal (or more properly, an ancillary computer called a terminal controller, or sometimes terminal concentrator). By pressing a special “submit” key, the user transmits the entire contents of the screen to the host, which then extracts the user-supplied fields for processing. IBM’s VTAM (Virtual Terminal Access Method) can be used to program these. I mention these only for completeness but will not discuss them further as they are mostly irrelevant to BBS systems.

Anyway, by the time the IBM Personal Computer was introduced in 1981, the ANSI terminal standard had won in the marketplace. Although not initially supported by PC-DOS, there was sufficient demand that Microsoft and others produced DOS add-ons that allowed the PC to interpret ANSI command sequences and update the display accordingly, making the PC useable as a terminal; with the Color Graphics Adapter it could even support 16 colors. Other microcomputers similarly adopted ANSI escape sequences in communications programs (which took on the moniker “terminal programs” for obvious reasons), and BBS authors took advantage of this to enhance the visual appeal of their offerings.

So when BBS enthusiasts talk about “ANSI”, they are referring to these escape sequences. However, that’s only part of the story.

Character Sets and Code Pages

By the time of the microcomputer revolution, the world had more or less standardized on the 8-bit byte; the IBM PC was no different. It may surprise some readers that this was not always the case, but most early computers were word-oriented and had variable length bytes. IBM had entered the world of the 8-bit byte with the System 360 series of mainframe computers and were well-versed in byte-oriented software by the time of the IBM PC. Moreover, they chose ASCII as the basis of the PC’s character set instead of EBCDIC, which was standard on their mainframe offerings.

The astute reader will observe, however, that ASCII is a 7-bit character set, while bytes on the PC were 8 bits wide. This meant that the ASCII character set only used half of the available code space; the other half was effectively empty and could be repurposed for additional functionality.

The PC designers took advantage of this by programming support for an extended character set into the display adapter that included ASCII in the lower half, and a set of pseudo-graphical symbols and some characters common in western European languages in the upper half. This allowed PC programmers to produce semi-graphical software simply by writing character bytes to the computer’s graphics adapter. The specific character set they settled on was designated “IBM Code Page 437” or CP437; the name is derived from the page number of IBM’s character set manual where the set is documented: the PC character codes were described on page 437, hence “code page 437”. The extended glyphs were sometimes referred to as “high ASCII”, and the entire character set was sometimes called “extended ASCII” or “IBM extended ASCII.”

Since CP437 retained ASCII as a subset, and ANSI terminal escape sequences were designed be be used with ASCII character encodings, and since the command sequences used by ANSI terminals didn’t conflict with the characters in the high region of the CP437 character set and since PC-DOS and later MS-DOS supported ANSI sequences for display manipulation, it was natural that terminal-oriented applications written on and for the PC would use the extended CP437 character set with ANSI escape sequences, particularly over serial ports. BBSes were no exception to this, and indeed, may have been the exemplar of the style.

Thus, when BBS enthusiasts refer to “ANSI”, what they really mean is the combination of ANSI terminal escape sequences as per ECMA-48 along with the CP437 character set. This served the BBS community well throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s until the widespread availability of Internet access displaced BBSes.

Unicode and UTF-8

Of course, the world’s languages and their scripts are a lot richer and far more complex than what is representable with ASCII and CP437. So while the BBS world retained that technology, the industry was eager to move on to something more expressive.

To this end, multiple character encodings for specific languages gained and lost popularity during the 80s and 90s. For example, ISO 8859-1 (“ISO-Latin1”), which covered most of western European languages, used the Latin alphabet and contained ASCII as a subset was popular in the Unix world. But none of these encodings were sufficient and eventually the Unicode standard, which seeks to define a standard encoding for all languages, was created and rose to prominence, displacing all earlier encodings.

The fundamental problem was that these earlier encodings were based around bytes; given that there are a lot more symbols in the union of all languages than are expressible in an 8-bit byte, the first order of business for Unicode was to use a wider integer type for representing character data. But this presented a problem: while the order of bit transmission for 8-bit octets between systems was universally well-defined, the same was not true for larger data. Further, there are two competing schools of thought for how to represent the ordering of bits within wider quantities: big endian where the most-significant bit of an integer has the lowest address, and little endian where the least-significant bit is at the lowest address (incidentally, the “endian” terminology derives from Gulliver’s Travels, where two groups of Lilliputians warred over which end of an egg to start eating from). Also, for “plain text” using the Latin alphabet, the wider encoding was less efficient than ASCII.

At Bell Labs, the same group that had invented Unix and C had moved on to Plan 9 as their research base. The team was eager to implement Unicode, but since Plan 9 was inherently a distributed system, encoding issues were paramount. The matter was resolved by Ken Thompson and Rob Pike, who invented the UTF-8 encoding.

UTF-8 is a byte-oriented encoding where wider Unicode “code points” are deconstructed into smaller bit values that are packed into bytes; the high bits of the byte are used to determine whether one has reached the end of the encoding for a particular code point. It is self-synchronizing (meaning that one can find the beginning of a code point should a stream drop a byte) and coincident with ASCII in the low 7 bits, so efficient for the common case of plain text. Importantly, since it is byte-oriented, it side-steps the endian issue entirely.

As the Unicode standard has grown to encode more and more characters from more and more alphabets and scripts, UTF-8 has been extended to support larger integer sizes for handling code points (called “Runes” in Plan 9’s nomenclature). It supplanted ASCII and is now the standard encoding for text interchange on the Internet. Importantly, Unicode contains every glyph from the CP437 character set.

Back to the BBS

The state of the world today is this:

  • CP437 is dead. It is entirely a legacy format, and has been replaced by UTF-8 and Unicode. Everything in CP437 has a corresponding Unicode code point. Most terminal programs support UTF-8 encoding of Unicode text. Fonts, such as unscii exist for supporting the sort of “character cell” art common on BBSes.
  • Serial terminals are no longer in widespread user use, but ANSI command sequences for terminal are interpreted by software for presentation of text-oriented applications.
  • Terminal applications support basic ANSI sequences but also often extensions, such as 256 colors. xterm seems to be ubiquitous and is based on the ANSI standard.

What does this mean for us? If I want to implement a modern, Unix-based BBS, I will target xterm and things compatible with it as the display driver, and I will use UTF-8 for text encoding.

In particular, I do not feel compelled to maintain compatibility with DOS-based technologies and standards. I feel completely free to leave the world of CP437 and the limitations of ANSI.SYS behind.

So that’s what I’ll do.